Rapid Fire Abstracts
Tabita A. Catalán, MSc
Predoctoral Researcher
Millennium Institute for Intelligent Healthcare Engineering iHEALTH, Chile
Tabita A. Catalán, MSc
Predoctoral Researcher
Millennium Institute for Intelligent Healthcare Engineering iHEALTH, Chile
Rene Michael M Botnar, PhD
Director and Professor
Institute for Biological and Medical Engineering
UC Chile, Chile
Franscisco Sahli Costabal
Pontifical Catholic University of Chile, Chile
Claudia Prieto, PhD
Professor and Director for Research and Innovation
School of Engineering, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
MC-DIP is compared against GRASP and MC-DIP in diastole and for vertical and horizontal temporal profiles in Fig.2. Fig.3 shows MC-DIP reconstruction for different cardiac phases. MC-DIP exhibits less blurring than GRASP and comparable image quality to MC-CINE in a fraction of the time (16 min against >4 hours).
Conclusion: The proposed MC-DIP enables self7-supervised motion estimation with neural fields and motion corrected reconstruction with DIP, providing results comparable to MC-CINE with a reduced reconstruction time. Further work will incorporate motion estimation and motion corrected reconstruction in an end-to-end unrolled approach.