Rapid Fire Abstracts
Hazar Benan Unal, PhD
Post-Doctoral Research Scientist
Laboratory for Translational Imaging of Microcirculation, Purdue University
Hazar Benan Unal, PhD
Post-Doctoral Research Scientist
Laboratory for Translational Imaging of Microcirculation, Purdue University
Khalid Youssef, PhD
Assistant Research Professor
Indiana University, Department of Radiology and Imaging Sciences
Abdul Haseeb Ahmed, PhD
Research Scientist
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc
Kelvin Chow, PhD
MR Collaboration Scientist
Siemens Healthcare Ltd., Canada, Canada
Xiaoming Bi, PhD
Director, Cardiovascular MR Collaborations
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Luis F. Zamudio Rivero, MSc
Research Associate
Laboratory for Translational Imaging of Microcirculation, Krannert Cardiovascular Research Center, Indiana University School of Medicine, Indianapolis, IN
Dilek M. Yalcinkaya, MSc
PhD Candidate
Purdue University
Ronald Mastouri, MD
Service Line Leader
Indiana University School of Medicine
Janet Wei, MD
Assistant Professor
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
C. Noel Bairey Merz, MD
Director, Barbra Streisand Women's Heart Center
Cedars Sinai Medical Center
Rohan Dharmakumar, PhD
Executive Director
Indiana University School of Medicine
Behzad Sharif, PhD
Associate Professor of Biomedical Engineering
Purdue University
The proposed DL-enabled recon method for stress FPP studies results in significant reduction in DRA severity based on a rigorously designed evaluation (truly normal cases). Coupled with inline implementation, this technique may provide an easily deployable DRA-reduction technique in routine clinical studies with standard- or high-resolution CMR protocols.9,10 To the best of our knowledge, this is the first inline method for suppression/elimination of DRAs in stress FPP studies.
Figure 1: Proposed technique for elimination of motion-induced subendocardial dark-rim artifacts. Step 1: the undersampled k-space from the perfusion image series is reconstructed to fully encoded k-space using the default scanner recon method, e.g., conventional GRAPPA with partial Fourier reconstruction. Step 2: The reconstructed fully sampled k-space is then used to generate two different recons by applying a temporal footprint (TF) reduction technique by removing consecutive phase-encode lines from one (left or right) side of the k-space and applying partial Fourier recon. Step 3: a spatiotemporal deep neural network (2D+time UNet-based architecture) is used to rapidly segment the myocardium into 12 sectors (standard AHA segmentation with endo-epi subsegments) and extract the average signal intensity (normalized by peak blood pool signal) for both left-sided and right-sided recons (shown as the top and bottom gray-scale bull’s eye maps, respectively). Next, the slope of the line connecting the left- vs right-sided S.I. for each segment is computed to generate a bull’s eye map of dark-rim TF variability (color-coded bull’s eye map). To automatically decide the optimal TF truncation (i.e., left vs right), the dark-rim TF variability is thresholded and combined with a “majority voting” approach (see the bull’s eye map with “L” and “R” votes) to automatically decide the optimal TF truncation (i.e., to choose the left vs right recon solution). The result is a DRA-suppressed images series (independently generated for each slice position) with minimal motion-induced DRA for each slice position.
Figure 2: Representative results for the proposed DRA elimination method. (A) These are two cases from the 10 stress FPP studies selected retrospectively based on “truly normal” invasive testing using a comprehensive protocol in the catheterization laboratory including: normal quantitative coronary angiography (no epicardial coronary stenosis > 20%), normal invasive coronary function testing (normal adenosine coronary flow reserve and normal coronary endothelial function), normal LV filling pressures and a negative LGE. The key feature of this validation approach is that it enables a notably more objective approach for DRA scoring since the stress scans are expected to be completely normal. As can be seen, in both cases, the scanner default recon has noticeable subendocardial DRA that can affect the assessment given the thin transmural extent (diastolic frame); however, the automatically generated optimal recon (green boxes) effectively eliminates the motion-induced DRA by selecting the optimal TF truncation approach (right-sided for Case 1 and left-sided for Case 2). In contrast, the non-optimal side results in a severe DRA (red arrows), which shows the impact of the TF choice (left vs right selection) on the presence and severity of DRA due to motion-induced (point spread function) effects. (B): Two examples from the feasibility testing of the inline implementation (FIRE framework) of the proposed technique. Both examples are clinically-indicated stress FPP studies on a 1.5T scanner (MAGNETOM Sola, Siemens Healthineers AG, Forchheim, Germany) wherein an additional image series is generated (besides the scanner default recon) with automatically generated DRA-optimal recon.
Figure 3: Summary of comparison between the scanner default recon and the proposed DRA-optimal recon in terms of (A) DRA severity, and (B) prevalence of severe DRA. By leveraging the availability of comprehensive invasive coronary angiography and coronary function testing in the selected subjects (n=10), the image artifact scores were assigned (DRA severity on 0-4 scale; 0: no artifact) by two expert readers in consensus. (A) DRA severity was significantly lower for the DRA-optimal approach vs default recon (1.5 ± 0.72 vs 2.2 ± 0.87, p <0.005) whereas the DRA severity for the non-optimal recon (i.e., selecting the opposite left/right side vs the optimal choice) is significantly higher than both (3.3 ± 0.74, p<0.001). (B) The percentage of slices with severe DRA (artifact score >2) was 47% for conventional method, 83% for non-optimal reconstruction and 7% for proposed DRA-optimal approach (p < 0.01 for all pairs. The proposed DRA-optimal reconstruction coupled with inline implementation provides an easily deployable DRA-reduction technique that can be applied to any standard- or high-resolution Cartesian-sampled FPP pulse sequence.