Rapid Fire Abstracts
Sizhuo Liu, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
Stanford University
Sizhuo Liu, PhD
Postdoctoral Scholar
Stanford University
Shen Zhao, PhD
Stanford University
Xitong Wang, MSc
PhD Student
Stanford University
Quan Chen, PhD
Stanford University
Michael Salerno, MD, PhD
Cardiology Professor
Stanford University
We trained a Denoising Diffusion Probabilistic Model (DDPM) on perfusion data from 134 patients who underwent clinically indicated CMR studies on a 3T Siemens Skyra scanner. Each dataset included 3–5 slices with a resolution of 2 × 2 × 8 mm³ and an acceleration rate of R = 2. Perfusion data were reconstructed using HICU, serving as the reference standard.
Five perfusion datasets were retrospectively undersampled at R = 4 using GRO sampling patterns (Figure 1). We compared reconstructions using the PnP-DDPM model with different settings: 1) total time step T=1000 with random noise initialization (DDPM 1000 RN), 2) T=50, with zero-filled initialization (DDPM 50 ZF), 3) T=50 with SENSE initialization (and DDPM 50 SENSE), and 4) SENSE reconstruction alone. The images were evaluated using normalized SNR (nSNR), peak SNR (pSNR), structural similarity index (SSIM), and graded on a 5-point scale by a cardiologist (1 = poor, 5 = excellent).
Results: Figure 2 presents images of three slices from a single subject reconstructed using different techniques. The average nSNR, pSNR, SSIM, and visual grading scores for each method are summarized in Figure 3. The reconstruction quality with the DDPM prior is superior to the traditional SENSE method. There is no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) between the DDPM 1000 RN, DDPM 50 ZF, and DDPM 50 SENSE methods.
The PnP framework combined with a DDPM-trained denoiser achieves high-quality cardiac perfusion image reconstruction, both visually and quantitatively. Using effective initialization methods, such as zero-filling or SENSE reconstruction, significantly accelerates the reconstruction process while maintaining comparable quality to the full inference starting from random noise.