ISMRM - SCMR Workshop
Yuchi Liu, PhD
Research Scientist
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Danielle Kara, PhD
Staff Scientist
Cleveland Clinic
Kelvin Chow, PhD
MR Collaboration Scientist
Siemens Healthcare Ltd., Canada, Canada
David Han, BSc
Medical Student
Case Western Reserve University School of Medicine, Cardiovascular Innovation Research Center
Ning Jin, PhD
Senior Key Expert
Siemens Healthineers
Peter Speier, PhD
Research Professional
Siemens Healthineers, Germany
Deborah Kwon, MD, FSCMR
Director of Cardiac MRI
Cleveland Clinic
Xiaoming Bi, PhD
Director, Cardiovascular MR Collaborations
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Christopher Nguyen, PhD, FSCMR, FACC
Director, Cardiovascular Innovation Research Center
Cleveland Clinic
Yuchi Liu, PhD
Research Scientist
Siemens Medical Solutions USA, Inc.
Spin-echo Cardiac diffusion tensor imaging (cDTI)1 is signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) limited, in part due to the long motion-compensated (velocity and acceleration, M1+M2) diffusion encoding gradient waveforms that extend echo times (TEs). Ultra-high-performance MRI systems (e.g. Gmax=200mT/m, Smax=200T/m/s) are a great opportunity for cDTI to minimize TEs and increase SNR; however, peripheral nerve stimulation (PNS) from slewing to higher gradient thresholds needs to be managed. Gradient waveform optimization, such as the open-source Gradient Optimization toolbox (GrOpt2 ), provides more time-efficient gradient waveforms while managing constraints.
The wider adoption of cDTI and SNR-efficient optimized gradient waveform approaches are limited by specialized sequence development in proprietary vendor software. Pulseq3 is another open-source toolbox that enables vendor-neutral pulse sequence programming in Matlab or Python,4 lowering the barrier for design.
The purpose of this work is to demonstrate an open-source approach to spin-echo cDTI data collection using a combination of GrOpt and Pulseq.
In simulation, the minimum TE achievable for a spin-echo cDTI sequence was simulated for an ultra-high-performance system (Gmax=200mT/m) and commodity system(Gmax=45mT/m) with conventional trapezoidal waveforms (TRAP) and GrOpt waveforms. The following parameters were used: b-value=[250, 500, 750, 1000] s/mm2, RF pulse durations of T90 = 3ms, T180 = 5ms, gradient moment nulling = [M1+M2], time to TE=[10, 20, 30, 40, 50] ms, PNS threshold5 (PNSthresh)=0.8. TE differences (∆TEmin) and percent signal gain of myocardium (T2=46ms) were reported.
A proof-of-concept, ECG-triggered, M1+M2 compensated, single-shot spin-echo diffusion echo-planar imaging (EPI) sequence (ramp-sampled6) was implemented in Pulseq with GrOpt waveforms (Table-1 and Fig-2). The phase-encoding (PE) blip gradient was turned off for the first excitation to acquire a reference to correct for odd and even PE line shifts. Two non-diffusion-weighted images were then acquired with dual polarities for linear phase correction6 followed by diffusion-weighted images. A separate two-shot EPI calibration scan was acquired right before the imaging scans. Image reconstruction included ramp sampling interpolation, ghost correction, GRAPPA reconstruction, and homodyne Partial Fourier reconstruction. Mid-systolic imaging was targeted based on the ECG signal and localizer images. Two imaging protocols were tested (Table-1).
Results: In simulation, GrOpt consistently maximized hardware usage across all b-values and readouts, outperforming conventional trapezoidal (TRAP) waveforms. TE reductions over 50 ms led to estimated signal gains up to 200% (Fig-1). We integrated GrOpt into a single-shot EPI Pulseq sequence (Fig-2). Preliminary images show successful diffusion-weighting, with potential improvements in fat saturation and trigger delay selection.
Conclusion: GrOpt utilizes dynamic slewing to limit PNS while reducing TE durations. Our proof-of-concept sequence development and data acquisition shows promise of optimized open-source cDTI. Future work will include sequence design improvements (integrating reference and calibration scans, improved fat saturation) and exploring simultaneous ECG-triggering and respiratory navigating to allow for free-breathing acquisitions.
Funding: AHA.23PRE1018442, R01 HL152256, NSF 2205103, and ISMRM Research Exchange}