University Medical Center Freiburg, University of Freiburg, Germany
MICHAEL BOCK was born in Helmstedt, Germany in 1966. He studied at the universities of Braunschweig and Heidelberg, where he received his diploma in physics at the Max Planck Institute for Nuclear Physics in 1992. For his PhD studies he joined the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg, and he earned his PhD in physics from the university of Heidelberg in 1995 for his work on MRI-based velocity measurements. In 2009, he finished his habilitation on interventional MRI at the medical faculty of the Heidelberg university, and since 2011 he is Professor for Experimental Radiology at the University Medical Center in Freiburg, Germany.
At the DKFZ, he has worked since 1996 as a group leader focusing on the implementation of technologies and methods for MRI-guided interventions. In 2007 he coordinated the installation of a 7 Tesla research whole body system for ultra-high field MRI in oncology. He held visiting professorships at the universities of Prague and Cleveland. He has published more than 200 journal papers, and he has supervised 10 bachelor, 23 master and 39 PhD theses. His work focuses on various aspects of MR imaging technologies including for example fast real-time MRI for cardiac interventions, X-nuclear imaging with 17O and 19F, and MR imaging protocols for cardiology and oncology.
Prof. Bock is a member of the Int. Soc. for Magnetic Resonance in Medicine (ISMRM) and various physics societies. Among other awards he received life-time Science Award from the German Soc. for Medical Physics (DGMP) in 2010.
Optimizing intra-arterial spin labeling for cardiac perfusion measurements (RF_TH_240)
Thursday, January 30, 2025
3:30 PM – 3:40 PM East Coast USA Time