ISMRM - SCMR Workshop
Yaqing Luo
PhD Student
Royal Brompton Hospital and National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Yaqing Luo
PhD Student
Royal Brompton Hospital and National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Pedro F. Ferreira, PhD
CMR Physicist
Royal Brompton Hospital, United Kingdom
Dudley Pennell, MD, PhD
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Guang Yang, PhD
Senior Lecturer in Bioengineering
Imperial College London, United Kingdom
Sonia Nielles-Vallespin, PhD, MSc, BSc
Senior Lecturer
Imperial College London
Andrew D. Scott, PhD, FSCMR
Senior Lecturer
Imperial College London and Royal Brompton Hospital, United Kingdom
Diffusion Tensor Cardiovascular Magnetic Resonance (DT-CMR) is an effective technique for gaining insights into in vivo myocardial microstructure [1-2]. Shorter Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) readouts are desirable to reduce artefacts. This can be achieved with a reduced Phase Encoding (PE) Field of View (FOV), by making the 90° RF pulse slice selective in the PE direction. SNR efficiency can be enhanced by interleaved multi-slice imaging, but it is incompatible with slice selective 90° RF pulse along PE due to saturation. One solution is to use 2D RF pulses [3], however, they can increase TE and unwanted side-lobe excitation outside the desired FOV, leading to wrap. Here we demonstrate an alternative method which limits the PE FOV using a slice selective gradient on the 180° refocusing pulses and adds an additional 180° pulse after the readout [4-5], which restores the inverted magnetisation outside the imaged slice. This study is the first to investigate this technique in DT-CMR for boosted SNR and reduced FOV multi-slice acquisition.
Four different approaches to reduce the PE FOV were compared (Fig. 1):
Examples of DT-CMR images for the four two-slice sequences are shown in Fig. 2, and SNR values from the 6 subjects and mean DT-CMR values from 3 subjects are presented in Fig. 3. Mean SNR values for phantom are 3.65, 3.01, 4.00, 3.97 for sequences 1-4. Similarly, the mean SNR values for in vivo data are 4.57, 4.36, 6.32, 5.57 respectively, with an increase of 38% from PE90 sequence to the proposed sequence. The mean DT-CMR values are similar across 2DRF and proposed sequence.
The proposed flip-back multi-slice pulse sequence for in vivo MC-SE DT-CMR, reduces the PE FOV using a slice selective 180° refocusing pulse and uses a second RF pulse after the readout to “flip-back” the inverted magnetisation. This can allow for boosted SNR, and efficient acquisition of multi-slice data. In future studies, the slice profiles of the 180° pulses may be further optimised to deliver more homogeneous SNR improvement.
Our approach has potential future clinical utility in enhancing image quality and increasing acquisition efficiency of DT-CMR in patient cohorts.